

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Watch "Dog says mama and baby can't" on YouTube

Sent from my Mi phone

Pledge €3 and get a postcard sent from Greece of Alex Tsipras

Greece debt crisis: Thousands of Yes supporters protest, as Tsipras seeks new bailout

Officially, Feeney is aiming to raise €1.6n to cover tonight’s €1.6bn bill to the IMF. After all, as he puts it:

I was fed up of the Greek crisis going round in circles, while politicians are dithering, this is affecting real people. While all the posturing is going on, then it’s easy for the politicians to forget that. I just thought, sod it, I’ll have a crack.

In return for funding, you could receive a little something from Greece:

Pledge €3 and get a postcard sent from Greece of Alex Tsipras.
Pledge €6 and get a greek Feta and Olive salad

Pledge €10 and get a small bottle of Ouzo sent to you
Pledge €25 and get a bottle of Greek wine
You can donate here.

Sent from my Mi phone

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jadwal Libur and Cuti Bersama 2016

I need to make a plan coz I will travel somewhere far away:)

Berikut adalah jadwal libur nasional 2016:
1. 1 Januari: Tahun baru 2016
2. 8 Februari: Tahun baru Imlek 2567
3. 9 Maret: Hari Raya Nyepi
4. 25 Maret: Wafat Isa Almasih
5. 1 Mei: Hari Buruh Internasional
6. 5 Mei: Kenaikan Yesus Kristus
7. 6 Mei: Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad SAW
8. 22 Mei: Hari Raya Waisak
9. 6 dan 7 Juli: Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1437 H
10. 17 Agustus: Hari Kemerdekaan RI
11. 12 September: Hari Raya Idul Adha 1437 H
12. 2 Oktober: Tahun Baru Islam 1438 H
13. 12 Desember: Maulid Nabi Muhammad
14. 25 Desember: Hari Raya Natal

Cuti Bersama
1. 4,5 dan 8 Juli: Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1437 H
2. 26 Desember: Hari Raya Natal 
